The perfect corporate Christmas gift for your team, your colleagues, your employees

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Corporate Christmas Gift Packages

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The Gift Selection

Together we make a lasting impact

Changing the world for the better doesn't always need to be about life-changing decisions. Instead, the little steps together make a more lasting impact possible. And at the same time, you can keep your colleagues/employees hydrated with this GLACIAL as a gift.

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Make it fit your brand with our engraving

Our reusable bottles are stylish in design and circular in every sense, helping to fill your brand with authenticity. Also, the best way to get into people's hands – and a little closer to be on their lips. 

The best? Since people often use them on the go, they become the perfect couriers of your brand.

If we don’t act, it will be too late to correct

There is only one planet we know of, so far, that is drenched with life: Earth. Our home planet, which we, as caretakers, haven't been very good at maintaining.

That's why we, at GLACIAL, have made making Water Consumption Sustainable our mission. By co-branding with us, you take the lead in a movement that cherishes that very source of life.

As a result, the bottles you share get you associated with how you care: helping people get fully hydrated and feel good – for making a positive difference. That never runs out of fashion.

Together we make a lasting impact

Changing the world for the better doesn't always need to be about life-changing decisions. Instead, the little steps together make a more lasting impact possible.

Hält Getränke bis 12 Stunden lang kalt

Unsere vakuumisolierten Flaschen halten Getränke auch bis zu 12 Stunden lang kalt!

Hält Getränke bis 24 Stunden lang kalt

Unsere vakuumisolierten Flaschen halten Getränke auch bis zu 24 Stunden lang kalt!

Ungiftig, BPA-frei

Alle unsere Flaschen sind BPA-frei, ungiftig und frei von Schadstoffen.

100 Tage Zufriedenheitsgarantie

Wenn du mit deiner Flasche nicht zufrieden bist, kannst du sie innerhalb von 100 Tagen problemlos zurückgeben.

Zugelassen durch FDA und LFGB

Sämtliche Flaschen sind durch FDA und LFGB zugelassen und sicher für alle Lebensmittel von Wasser bis Babynahrung.

Plastik ade

Jede verkaufte Flasche verringert die Anzahl der Einwegflaschen, die in der Natur landen.


Folge @glacialbottle in den sozialen Medien und schließe dich unserer Mission an, die Plastikproduktion zu reduzieren. Markiere deine Fotos mit #myglacial, um vorgestellt zu werden.

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